You’re invited to the Kimberley Coast Cruising Yacht Club’s Annual Beach Party at Palm Island on Friday 4th July 2025.

Few people know this fact, but Independence Day is an official Public Holiday in the Kimberley coast.
Nothing to do with the Yanks splitting from the Poms in 1776, but everything to do with the Kimberley Coast Cruising Yacht Club’s decision in 2015, that the 4th of July seemed like a good date for our annual party.
We officially declared that anybody in the Kimberley coast on board an Independent Cruising Vessel can have the day off, just to come to our Beach Party.
The Details…
Who can come? Anybody who is out there on the day on a private cruising vessel. You don’t need to be a KCCYC member.
What’s it cost? Nothing except your time and a relaxed and friendly attitude.
Where is it? On Cave Beach, near Palm Island, Kimberley coast. Lat 14.36.854S Long 125.26.794E. Download Map. Also see the Palm Island and Winyalkan Island anchorage page for nearby attractions and where to anchor. There are several good anchorages in this area, including just off Cave Beach. There’s lots to see and explore, as well as nearby Swift Bay. It’s easy to spend a week here, and still not see it all.
What to Bring? BYO food, drinks and eating utensils. Hopefully someone will have BarBQ plates on board. Bring something to sit on. If it’s a hot day, there’s a shady area on the beach near the caves to sit and relax out of the sun.
Time and Date? Friday, 4th July, 2025. It will be a lunch time and afternoon affair, purely because we don’t want party goers heading home in their dinghies after dark and tangle with the local wildlife.
RSVP. We know how difficult it is to predict where you will be on any given day when you’re having the time of your life cruising the Kimberley Coast, but if you think you might make it to this extraordinary event, please RSVP to with your boat’s name and likely attendee’s names, just to give us a rough idea of numbers. KCCYC Members and non Members are all welcome. If you’re in the area at the time – come along.
Cave Beach -
Cave Beach