Exit Forum Forums Kimberley Coast Boating Forum. How to use the Forum. Is it safe to leave Dinghy on the Beach in Broome to go to town?

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    • #4219

        Hi Everyone,

        We have just arrived in Broome on our way North.  We wanted to go town to do some provisioning and check out the town.  Is it safe to leave our dinghy at the high water line on the beach or is there a theft problem here?  Should we drop each other to shore and only go to town one at a time? We would obviously prefer to go to town together but wanted to check in this forum what others do, or have done.  Cheers

      • #4220

          I wouldn’t risk it , too many people wondering around looking for opportunities….

        • #4221

            left dinghy 2020 and 2022 visits ,did’nt have a problem,but things change ,talk to locals.If tides are favourable i use Streeters,tie dinghy up to mangroves 2 minuite walk to Chinatown.

          • #4222

              Unless you’re on a mooring, I suggest not leaving your boat unmanned on anchor at Gantheaume Point. Mostly shallow sand over rock base and holding is dodgy in a breeze or springs.
              if other boats there, ask them to take you ashore and pick you up, and return the favour for them.

              Cheers Ross

            • #4228

                Thanks everyone.  We ended up leaving the dinghy on the beach a couple of times to head into town to provision.  We put it next to peoples trailers and it was fine.

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