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    • #4166

        Hi everyone, My family did a Kimberley trip in 2018 putting our 9mt trailer boat in at Wyndham and out at Derby 4 weeks later. It was an amazing trip made easier with the help of this website. We have just purchased a 50ft powerboat that we will be bringing across the top end in July/August from Brisbane to Geraldton WA. Can anyone help with perhaps finding a crew with skippering experience to share the experience with us on a trip of a lifetime. Ideally a retired couple or someone with a bit of time up their sleeve as we want to make a nice trip out of it rather than a non-stop passage. Any help would be appreciated.


      • #4192

          Hi Geoff,

          Have you found crew?

          Is the trip still on?

          If no and yes, I may be able to help.  If you wish then we probably should change to private comms.


        • #4204

            Yes the trip is still on. Still working out an itinerary. Will be cruising through the KIMBERLEY early September at this stage

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