• This topic has 12 replies, 6 voices, and was last updated 4 months, 3 weeks ago by Maxy. This post has been viewed 1748 times
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  • Author
    • #4088
      Sea Shell

        Hi All,
        We are thinking about getting Starlink and would like to hear about your experiences with it in the Kimberley and elsewhere along the coast.

        Dave, Sea Shell

      • #4089
        Blue Yonder

          works amazing. this message is written to you from the middle of the kimberley (Hunter River area) via starlink. Game changer!

          • #4091
            Sea Shell

              Great, thanks for the reply. You are staying late in the Kimberley? Would you mind telling me what weather info   you are looking at via Starlink?


              • #4099
                Blue Yonder

                  Yep we were there until Christmas. Was awesome! Not a soul around. We mainly used windy but looked at the satellite images constantly to see the storms coming. Very different place that time of year, you really have to pick your anchorage to be prepared for anything!

            • #4090

                We just sailed from Darwin to Port Douglas, and it worked well. Go for it.



                • #4092
                  Sea Shell

                    Hi Ross, thanks for the reply. I take it you are using the $175 RV Mobile service and that is satisfying your weather forecasting needs?


                    • #4100
                      Blue Yonder

                        We used rv throughout the entire Kimberley, never got cut off. It’s all good until your over 20-30nm offshore then just switch the priority data toggle and your good to go again, in saying that we’ve never had to switch to priority data.

                  • #4094

                      I’ve got the marine service, I think it’s about $375/month. The RV service gets cut off when you go off shore.

                    • #4098
                      Ray Snow

                        We used it through the Kimberley and down to Perth last year. We used it for weather, home school and we could even stream movies. The WIFI signal was strong enough for our buddy boat to anchor close enough they could also use it. We only use it at anchor as we’re on the RV package.

                      • #4229

                          Starlink RV/Roam’ is now available in motion up to 160km/hr at sea (coastal) for $195 p/mth AUD it was $175 plus Mobile priority data at $3.19 AUD p/Gb, this is no longer required to sail coastal in Territorial Aust waters with full internet coverage. 😀👏

                        • #4230

                            Does the starlink stay connected if the boat swings around

                          • #4231

                              It does. I have had minimal drop-outs. Only downside I have found so far is that it slows down sometimes when in areas where lots of users are on the bandwidth. This is usually around busy coastal towns with marina’s and caravan parks close together. But even then, it still streams video and internet with little or no noticeable inconvenience.

                              Cheers, Ross

                            • #4232

                                Good. I have just bought the latest model, only tried it on the half hour free internet given by Elon when you purchase. I was impressed with the speed. As yet I am not on a plan but will probably go with the roaming, I have a house and a boat that will share. I need to chase up the 12 volt power supply and modem as I believe the Starlink modem flattens batteries fairly quickly.

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