Our Purpose.
A social network for owners and crew of vessels who have cruised the Kimberley Coast, or are planning to cruise to the Kimberley.
To encourage private cruising vessels to visit and enjoy the adventure and spectacle of the fantastic Kimberley Coastal Region.
To provide a source of information and contacts for skippers and crew planning to cruise the Kimberley Coast in their own vessel. The goal is for experienced Members to help others to cruise and enjoy this beautiful area.
Talk to anyone who has been there, and they will tell you the Kimberley Coast is the most beautiful and spectacular place to go cruising in Australia. The weather is fantastic, the fishing is
unbelievable, and it is an adventure of a lifetime. It’s also Australia’s most remote and inaccessible region for cruising boats.
Many boat owners are put off by the distance involved in getting there, along with the remoteness of the area. Use this website to start your research – you’ll find out that it’s not really that hard to do.
Meet other Members and their friends at any time, any place, for sundowners on board, a chat, or any other type of social gathering that strikes your fancy. It might be on the water while you are cruising, at a marina, or on land in your home town. If you spot one of our logo’s on a cap, polo shirt, or boat/car sticker, say hello to the wearer, because its very likely they will have similar interests to you. Members names and their boat names are listed in the “Members Only” pages of the website. You can search a boat name in the website to find the members name, or visa versa.
The only “organized” meeting is the annual beach party, held on a beach somewhere in the Kimberley and usually only accessible by boat. Early July each year. (Check News and Events for the date) The word “organized” is used very loosely. The only thing that will be organized is the date, and even this can be changed by popular demand. It’s a casual get together for boaties and crew from any private vessel in the right place on the day. All are welcome to attend and join the fun.
Our “unofficial clubhouse” is Cullen Bay Marina in Darwin. We don’t have an official presence at the marina, but its a given that you’ll find several of our Member’s boats moored at the marina. If you’re fortunate enough to visit Cullen Bay Marina on your way to or from the Kimberley coast, ask around, because it wont take long to find another KCCYC Member.
If you want to contact another Member, please email us via the Contacts page and we will forward your request to that Member.
Got questions about cruising the Kimberley Coast? Our Kimberley Members can impart a wealth of information about this magnificent and pristine area and the journey up there. If you are planning to cruise the Northern Territory or northern Western Australia, use this information to insure your cruise is successful. Use the Members only section of this web site for help with places to visit, charts, mud maps, contacts, fuel stops, what to take, where to get it, water holes, books to buy, anchorages, routes, rocks to avoid, people to meet etc, etc.
Many of the Kimberley Coast’s favourite cruising destinations are listed in our Anchorages pages, with detailed information, maps, way points, routes, photos etc.
Members and guests can read our online forum and Members can post a question, start a new topic, or simply check out the existing forum topics, because others may have already asked and answered the same question. The on line forum can be read by both guests and Members, but only Members can start new topics, or post to existing topics in the forum.
Members cruising blogs or websites can be linked to their Member information, so other Members can easily find and access them. This is a great way to share your cruising experience with others.
The KCCYC is Not For Profit and there are no ongoing fees.